List of Walsenburg Mayors


                                                                                              Currant Mayor - Charles Bryant

2022-CurrentGary Vezzani
2021-2022Charles Bryant
2019-2021Brian D. Lalander
2018-2019Dennis Hoyt
2013-2018James P. Eccher
2011-2013Larry Patrick
2010-2011Bruce Quintana
2006-2009Edith Sheldon
2002-2005Maurice Brau
2000-2001Fred Rodriguez
1993-1999Jay Crook
1991-1992Ray Sandoval
1989-1991Joan Crump
1987-1989Tom Powell
1983-1987Betty Ridge
1977-1983Leo Maes
1975-1977Robert Hemphill
1971-1975Leo Maes
1969-1971Derito Bonicelli
1968-1969John Geiger
1965-1968Joe Mosco Jr.
1963-1965Joel R. Chambers
1959-1963Ethel Stacy
1955-1959Donald D. Haney
1951-1954George Turner
1948-1951Joe Mosco Jr.
1945-1948James B. Dick,]r.
1945Joe Mosco Jr.
1943-1944Herman Mazzone
1941-1943Dr. G.R. Mallett
1939 -1941Andrew C. Schafer Jr.
1937-1938S. Julian Lamme
1935-1937Leighton H. Kirkpatrick
1933-1935G.R. Mallett
1927-1933A.J. Merritt
1925-1926John J. Pritchard
1923-1924H.D. Mustain
1920-1923James W. Sears
1918-1920C. Victor Mazzone
1916-1917John J. Kirkpatrick
1916Adolph Unfug
1916T.D. Baird
1915T.D. Baird
1915F.E. Cowing
1903-1914James B. Dick
1902George Dick
1901Dr. T.D. Baird
1900George Dick
1899Dr. T.D. Baird
1898J.P. Kearns
1896-1897Theo Grantham
1894-1895Fred E. Cowing
1893Horace D. Wheeler
1892J.A.J. Valdes
1891Charles O. Unfug
1890T.L. Creesy
1889-1890T.F. Martin
1889Charles Unfug
1888L.D. Baird
1887Charles Unfug
1886Charles Mazzone
1885A.J. Valdes
1884Cornelius Downing Hendren



The Town of Walsenburg was established in 1873 and was governed by a Board of Trustees. The first trustees were Fred Walsen, Joseph Bourcy, John Albert, Jose Rafael Esquibel, and Carmel Martin with Walsen as head trustee.

Source: Walsenburg Crossroads Town, A History By Dorthy Rose Ree, copyright 2006 (pages 303-307)