Committees and Boards

Walsenburg City Council

The Walsenburg City Council acts as the governing body for various child governments and sub-units

  1. City Enterprises
    • Walsenburg Water and Sewer Enerprise
    • Walsenburg Natural Gas Enerprise
  2. General Improvement Districts
  3. Local Authorities
  4. Local Licensing Authority
    • Liquor Licensing Authority
    • Marijuana Licensing Authority

Independent Boards

In addition to the independent bodies overseen directly by City Council, there are several municipal government bodies and municipal advisory committees with independent boards governing them.

  1. Walsenburg Housing Authority 
  2. Historic Preservation Commission
  3. Planning and Zoning Commission
  4. Youth Advisory Committee

Multi-jurisdictional Boards

In addition to the municipal government bodies and advisory committees the City of Walsenburg participates in certain multi-jurisdictional bodies with independent boards.

  1. Huerfano County Economic Development Incorporated
  2. Huerfano County Water Conservancy District
  3. South Central Council of Governments